Our team offers a hassle-free estimate, whether you're looking for termite control, general pest control, or even attic restoration
Protecting your home from unwanted guests for over 35 years.
Effective Pest Control Pest Patrol’s General Pest Control Services include regular treatment for most structural pests, ants, roaches, centipedes, millipedes, mice, silverfish, spiders, wasps, and pantry pests. Your technician will assess the pests at your home and treat them based on your needs.
The first time we treat the property — the initial treatment — we will spray both inside and out. The regular service (monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly) will generally be outside. Should you experience pest activity during or in between regular service, we will come inside at no charge.
Effective Pest Control Not only do we provide general pest control and termite control service county-wide, but we also specialize in unique pests that afflict some neighborhoods more than others. Making these distinctions is important to exterminate these pests.
Whether you’re experiencing seasonal pests or frequent infestations, Pest Patrol has a treatment plan that works for any household or business.
Monthly Pest Treatments
Bi-Monthly Pest Treatments
Quarterly Pest Treatments
Our general pest control and treatment plans cover nearly all common structural pests, this includes cockroaches, ants, silverfish, and more. Contact us now for your free home assessment!
Existing customers may receive up to 50% off their next service for referring a friend who starts service with us. Just mention this discount when referring a friend.